Thursday, June 30, 2022

JUNE 2022

"Let all that I am praise the LORD; 
may I never forget the good things He does for me." 
Psalm 103:2

Such a JOY to get to snuggle this little love during community group this evening!

My favorites are starting to bloom!!

Love and Tacos
 to celebrate the day before they say "I do"

Happy Getting Married Day to Lucy and Cameron!!
This unscripted moment of others caring well for the new Mrs. Saunders captured my heart.

"Jesus said, 'Let the little children come to me,
and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven 
belongs to such as these." 
Matthew 19:14

Thankful Scott pulled my attention away from conversation around "the big table".

We laughed. We cried. 
We had conversations I did not expect to come from a Memoir about a Cat.
Today marked the end of our Book Club's time with Dewey.
I'm gonna miss that little guy, but my friends are already asking about our next book.

Grateful for Tea and Talking with Kay This Morning

Hard to tell which surprise made her happier...
the trip the Dairy Barn or Emma joining us!

Grateful for grace...
and Tylenol...
and a few minutes in the fresh air of our Oasis

Thank you, God for bright sunbeams, the blue sky, white clouds, 
and enough energy to walk the whole neighborhood!

Love seeing our flowers slowly coming to life! 

If I have to be quarantined again, at least the food and atmosphere is nice around here ;)

Hooray!! We didn't have to miss today's walk after all.
And we made it up this *very* steep driveway with only one (or was it two) stops to catch our breath!

Family Fun!
Cupcakes and Singing
French Braids and Storytelling
But the Best and Biggest smiles just might have come from the discovery of a vintage PE uniform!

More smiles unboxed at my parents' house

Kids Arts Camp 2022
Loved seeing my favorite girls take the stage under the direction of THE Mrs. Frank!! 🎶🎭🩰

Happily soaking in more budding beauty in our backyard!

The just right, low-key, throw-back-y Father's Day for the Just Right Dad for our girls!

Joy and Laughter with sweet friends is a good gift indeed! 
No matter how old you are!

Today was a hard day.
 Some days are like that..."even in Australia"... quote one of my favorite children's books. 
But before bedtime, we received this yummy Crumbl Cookie delivery.
And that was kind. And fun to rate their deliciousness. 

And tomorrow is a New Day.
And this much I know...
"The faithful love of the LORD never ends!
His mercies never cease.
Great is His faithfulness;
His mercies begin afresh each morning!"
Lamentations 3:22-23

Coffee & Conversation with Kay makes for an encouraging start to the Day!

What a JOY that today marks the beginning of our 20th summer studying God's Word together!!
Ever thankful for my faithful Friend, Tiena who not only dragged me to BSF all those years ago,
but also has stuck by me through all the ups and downs and sideways ever since!

Super thankful for date weekend in the big city with my Steady Love

Ben Rector: The Joy of Music Live
Scott and I were "Living our Best Life" 
with around 7,000 of our closest friends 
on this warm-ish Saturday night in Nashville!
 So much amazing talent, wonderful music, 
 fun, humility, and contagious JOY!! 

Big love to these sweet friends for hosting us this evening and turning a yummy dinner into 
a spontaneous celebration making me feel very special and loved! 🎂

...and this little love bug's singing and giggles continued to bless me the whole evening!!!

Happy Birthday to me!
Somehow I missed taking a photo of any humans today...but this...
this cassette tape my parents played for me over lunch was PURE GOLD!!!
We laughed and cried a pinch too listening in on conversations, 
and so.much.singing from my Dad and me in the mid 1970's and early '80's. 
That kid had a LOT of words!! And quite the southern accent!!

I've lost count of how many times a day I say that I love our backyard...
Thank you, God for this peaceful retreat with peeks of sunrises and sunsets too. 

Finally! Our Knoxville appointments worked around our favorite Thai restaurant hours!!

Happy New Hair Day
Loved sporting my new Enoch gear for a day hanging out with my talented friend, Aleta!

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