Monday, January 31, 2022


"Now, our God, we give you thanks 
and praise Your glorious name"
1 Chronicles 29:13

Trusting the LORD even when I can't see all the pieces of this year's puzzle yet.
Thanking HIM for a fun and laugh-filled night with friends...and yay, we finished it, Anna! 

Sundays are STILL my favorite! 
So grateful for our faithful team of servants and their big hearts...
and the way their children follow in their volunteering footsteps!!

What a GLORIOUS day for Walking in a Winter Wonderland!! ❄✰

Lovely, cozy, quiet start to the day

Hooray for a Festive and Fun FaceTime with our Favorite 7 year old!!! 🎉

Glad for time to enjoy this book on the last day of the Christmas season.
Thank you, Rachel for sharing this sweet story with me. 

While I'm disappointed my travel plans did not go as I intended, 
I can never be sad about catching the gift of a MAGNIFICENT sunset!! 

It was a lovely evening to work a sweet couple's wedding alongside some pretty awesome people!

Apparently, by the looks of my plate choice, I still wish I could have made that trip to see my MD Pal...

Afternoon coffee dates are always a good gift

A good day for a long drive to reflect on God's FAITHFULNESS over 30 years as Mr. and Mrs. 

Pausing to watch sunsets is one of my favorite GOOD GIFTS

What a CREATIVE piece of art we found driving around the farm today! 

Oh, how I love a HAPPY mail delivery day!!
These four always deliver big JOYfilled smiles my way!!

Thankful for this super sweet treat that traveled a very long way to reach us, 
and I'm even more thankful for the SWEETER gift that the giver is in my life!!

My Book Club Buddies and I have a special event planned for tomorrow. 
I sure had fun making this treat for the occasion!

We finished reading Autumn Winifred Oliver Does Things Different last month, 
and today's virtual author visit with Hometown Hero, Kristin O'Donnell Tubb, was SO MUCH FUN!!!

"Multiplying" our community group is not my favorite kind of math, 
but sending Paige silly, blurry selfies on Wednesday nights is pretty fun 

Thankful for a spouse who cares about clean baseboards...
and also vacuum cleaner extensions and time to clean.
And also the super sweet memory of Lisa and her amazing laundry room cleaning skills back in the 
Summer of '06!! Legendary, I tell ya! 

Fuzzy FaceTime Fotos with Friends
made my morning as I traveled to my doctor's appointment 
The frilly fanny was an added bonus and giggle! 

Being presented with this portrait of me (wearing a fancy Christmas tree!) 
by the artist himself, was by far the highlight of this Saturday!

Such JOY to see people use the talents God has given them to do good work as they bless others!!
And when one of those people is my grown up girl...well, that's just a whole lot of FUN too!!

Social Media sightings of my girls + their talents = Happy Mama Gift Counting 

My favorite in the distance, yes...but they are there!!!

How about a mid-week double dose of counting GOD'S GOOD GIFTS?!
Loved going with Emma to surprise our favorite local barista this morning
and having some serious (and hilarious!) conversations and fellowship with these ladies this evening!

After nearly two years, we may be weary of the masks, but not of our fun routine for doctor visit days!

Hmm...this is not *exactly* how a license plate is supposed to be removed...
apparently I was a tad overzealous and 
this could have gone poorly in a whole bunch of ways...
Well, He showed up for us through the good and kind and helpful folks at Ray's Auto Body Shop

Junior High me spent many fun and happy days in this gymnasium
...but I'm not sure they could compare to the JOY of sitting on the floor cheering for our #7 
as he ran up and down (well, side to side) this court with the BIGGEST smile on his face!!

Grins and Giggles Galore with these Super Sweet and Kool Kids

Super thankful for a sunshiny afternoon just right for time on the farm with these friends
(and how about this brotherly bonding moment?) ❤