Thursday, March 31, 2022

MARCH 2022

"I will praise the name of God with a song;
I will magnify Him with Thanksgiving"
Psalm 69:30

Trout Mountain Coffeehouse | Tellico Plains, TN
Hooray for a long anticipated DATE DAY at this cool coffeehouse!!

Read Across America Day
Always love the opportunity to come read with my pals!

These bright blooms always bring me JOY

SO excited these books arrived before tomorrow's first TGKids' preschool class!!!

"Sabbath Small Group" 
Happily claimed my spot on Aunt Bessie's special napping swing

Glad for a quick lunch date with this one on her WFH day 

Thankful for answers for how to do the next thing...

Seeing these names (and all the others on our team) pop up 
with these notifications brings a great big smile to my face!

Amen ♡
And thank you,  Rawli for sending these pretty new blooms to me 

Checking on our hydrangea buds is a daily joy for me

Happy, Happy Birthday to our brave and beautiful BESS!! 
Such sweet and fun surprises to celebrate #24
friends~sleepover at our house~snow

and today was filled to the brim with bountiful blessings....
Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Whitaker!!!
What JOY to have been a witness to the Lord's FAITHFULNESS from this couple's Day One!!

Not taking any tasks for granted these days...
so happy to have made taco soup and gather for a TCCF dinner tonight!

She made the Oasis so nice and cozy for me!

Living my Best Life just hanging in the trees while Scott works on the farm

Ahh....I love a GLORIOUS Blue Sky filled with fluffy clouds!!

So excited to see these little buds!!

Thankful for this one who is keeping me on my feet 
while we walk some miles together for 

Grateful for time with my parents today

Just when I started to feel sorry for myself about being left behind on Sunday morning, 
Emma showed up with a big smile, a breakfast treat, and kept me company! 💛

Happy Birthday to our Best Guy!!
Exciting things are happening on the other side of that door!

Such a joy-filled visit with my sweet and artistic friends
who left me with a big smile on my face and these treasures for my walls! 

Thankful for tea, treats, and treasured time talking with Melanie!

Today's good gifts are brought to you by the letter "W"...
Walks and Walt 
Walks with Rachel and Emma
Words read and prayed by Walt 

"And when I wake up, 
You are still with me!
Psalm 139:18

Hooray for time to visit with my sister and her family during their quick stop in town!!
I always love getting to braid my nieces' hair and receive love notes from them!

Learning to say "yes" to others' offers has blessed me more than I can express...
Beyond grateful for a sweet friend (and sister in Christ) who cared for me so tangibly today

Hooray for Friends, Fellowship, FaceTime, 
and pulling off a surprise Festive Fiftieth 🎉 

What a servant leader! 
My computer guy figuring out and syncing all the things for checking in all the kiddos at TGC!

Yesterday, landscape lighting!
Thankful for his ability to figure things out and his perseverance!
 ...and date night in our Oasis with new lights

Grateful for the big gift these sweet ladies shared of lunch and lots of laughs today! 💚

It's Double Good Gift Counting for the last day of the month!

Surprised and continually overwhelmed by the generosity of my friends during this season
Thank you, Autumn for such a wonderful basket of sunshine! 
And thank you, Kim for bringing joy, jokes (your pint-sized comedienne), and praying over me!