Wednesday, November 30, 2022


"Give thanks to the LORD
and proclaim His greatness.
Let the whole world know what He has done.
Sing to Him; yes, sing His praises.
Tell everyone about His wonderful deeds."
1 Chronicles 16:8-9

Giving Thanks For:
a day of Rest, Reading, and Refreshment in my favorite room of our house
(watching leaves fall, clouds shift, and soaking in the color and feel of Fall were bonus gifts!)

Giving Thanks For:
the morning at the farm hanging out with our cute new buddies, Dwight and Jim
and the evening at community group after a long hiatus...
even if it took the promise of AvaLynn's artwork to convince me to actually get in the car and go!

Giving Thanks For:
this inspiring woman and finally making time to read her memoir

Giving Thanks For:
a fun, new food place in our swanky little town
and the spontaneous change of dinner plans when our night at the theater was canceled

Giving Thanks For:
the women of Enoch Contemporary Ballet 
and their boldness to share the hope of Jesus through their gift of dance

Giving Thanks For:
God's Beauty in creation in this special find in the Oasis,
 His beautiful gift of laughter at our dining room table, 
and the encouragement of hearing stories of answered prayer from last night

Giving Thanks For: 
the opportunity to be with my Dad today 

"Two are better off than one,
for they can help each other succeed."
Ecclesiastes 4:9

Giving Thanks For:
a Full, Fun Big City Day with One of My Favorites!
Hooray for getting to introduce her to the joy of Misfit Tacos!

Giving Thanks For:
 afternoon hours in my favorite "room" of our home!
While everything around her has turned brown and is shutting down for winter,
this one little daisy just keeps hanging in there. 
I do notice now that she's not quite as in focus as I had intended.
An accurate representation of how my brain is working these days. :)
But that sunset was striking and I wanted to document that the daisy is STILL there!
She's been like a champion cheerleader for me the past few weeks...
'Hang in there! Just keep going!!'

Giving Thanks For:
Reading day at Dominion!
We're never too old for silly stories!
My book club buddies and I laughed out loud for nearly an hour at these goofy tales...
and it sure was good for my heart and soul!!
I used to read this book to my kindergartners and then our girls at home,
but had forgotten how clever and funny it is. 
I got a sweet surprise and bonus joy when I opened the book...
my mom's handwritten name marking this as one from her classroom collection.
 Of course she liked it too!
Am always grateful to spend time with these dear ladies and leave better than I arrived.

Giving Thanks For:
a morning filled to the brim with honoring Veterans
Beyond thankful for the men and women who courageously have chosen 
to serve our country by serving in the military.

Watching Enoch dance to the final stanza of Battle Hymn of the Republic gets me every time...

In the beauty of the lilies
Christ was born across the sea,
With a glory in His bosom
That transfigures you and me;
As he died to make men holy,
Let us die to make men free;
While God is marching on.

by: Julia Ward Howe

Giving Thanks For:
a happy history day for Aunt Frances 
and getting to see her with her genealogy buddies in their element

Giving Thanks For:
a "just right" surprise in the mail from my Best Good Friend

Giving Thanks For:
Brand New Days that begin like this!

"God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved;
God will help her when morning dawns"
Psalm 46:5

Giving Thanks For:
my bestest November gift ever!!!
Ever thankful God gave Emma Katharine to our family!!

Giving Thanks For:
Fellowship with Friends
and this super cute almost two year old!

Giving Thanks For:
a kind and compassionate therapist 
who meets with me in the comfort of my own home

Giving Thanks For:
an early appointment and then a nice breakfast date with my Dad

Giving Thanks For:
Cousins, Comedy, and Cheerful Company in Chattanooga!!!

Giving Thanks For:
a welcoming congregation and Scandalous Grace 

Giving Thanks For:
the new additions to our herd...
Meet Phyllis, Pam, and Angela

Giving Thanks For:
the opportunity for Enoch to share Chiaroscuro with the students of ACMS
from Darkness to Light ⛓💥💡

Giving Thanks For:
the arrival of the Kentucky cousins
Let the Thanksgiving weekend shenanigans commence!

Giving Thanks For:
God's Abundant Mercy and Grace 
and His ability to hold our hearts 
and more than one big emotion at a time
I'm so grateful for a full house for Thanksgiving Day!
And while it wasn't as full as it could have been, 
 Mom was with us in our hearts for sure!!

"If you've wrestled with the ache of loss
And why this has been your road to walk
He bore your pain, He wore your cross...

Oh, lift your head
Morning is coming, There's more to the story
Don't forget, in grief and in glory,
Still Great is HIS faithfulness"

(This song has been on repeat for a while now.
To listen to the whole thing, just click the title above ♡)

Giving Thanks For:
Fun Traditions and Big Joy courtesy of The Holly House 

Giving Thanks For:
Plenty of time for creativity and artistic expression

Giving Thanks For:
 A super sweet seat mate for the first half of worship this morning!
And the big grin all these pictures gave me when I realized she had discovered 
my phone right before the prayer time ❤

Giving Thanks For:
Getting to accompany my girl for her special dress fitting appointment!!

Giving Thanks For:
the kindness of these two to include me in today's traditional adventure in Our Town

Giving Thanks For: 
early morning quiet moments

"Taste and see that the LORD is good.
Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in Him!"
Psalm 34:8